What's So Extreme About A Seat Cushion? Meet Steve Gambhir, founder of Ergo21

Steve Gambhir, founder of Ergo21

Ergo21’s website slogan reads, “Comfort. Joy. Happiness.” It’s a fitting description for the company’s product, the Ergo21 Extreme Comfort Seat Cushion, which uses advanced LiquiCell Technology to help customers sit hours and hours without aches or soreness. Company president and oGoing member Steve Gambhir used to drive four to six hours a day in LA traffic setting up merchant credit card processing accounts. “I tried using a different cushion every month to relieve the back pain from long hours in the car,” Steve recalls. “Finally, my wife said, ‘Why don't you design your own cushion?’ so I did.”

Innovative LiquiCell Technology Improves Circulation

LiquiCell Technology strategically places low viscosity fluid inside the cushions’ ultra-thin cells to reduce discomfort associated with prolonged contact between the body and an object. The liquid stays in constant motion, letting the body glide and float. This provides instant comfort, reduces numbness and improves circulation by 150 percent. "We’ve had countless reviews on Amazon from people who sit for long periods in office chairs or wheelchairs,” explains Steve. “These customers report that their sores went away and they can now sit for hours without any discomfort.” Since LiquiCell performs better than gel, foam or air, it’s even being used in hospital beds to prevent pressure sores and skin breakdown for patients who cannot move.


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