5 Social Media Marketing Tips To Attract New Customers

Five tips to attract new customers using social media marketing and branding

Social Media Marketing Five Tips - Attract New Customers

1. Create Beautiful Profile.

Edit your Social Network Profile, update your correct company information, and add your beautiful company logo (go to Settings after you login). If you are also on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube, connect these to your profiles. The more complete a profile, the better visibility it gets on Google, Yahoo and Bing and other search engines, resulting in higher SEO ranking. Don't forget to confirm your account email to get full access, receive notifications, and greater exposure. 

2. Get Great Recommendations.
Request your existing clients to provide you a 5 star review (tell them to go to your profile or brand page and click on Recommend - e.g. http://ogoing.com/sanjaydalal ). Great recommendations go a long way towards establishing credibility and trust. Remember, your prospects are always checking your online ratings and when they see those five stars next to your profile, they are more confident and ready to do business with you.

 So ask your best clients to recommend today.

3. Share What's going on?
Share updates about what's going on - at least once a week (and if you are on Twitter or Google+, daily!). Talk about your business, best practices, tips, industry articles, and news which are relevant for your clients. Post lots of photos, images and videos. Great visuals are more engaging. Ask questions and get feedback from clients. Post upcoming events. Create monthly offers. Provide a free download. The more updates you share, the more exposure and visibility you create online which generates free traffic. 

4. Build Quality Connections.
Connect with member businesses, customers, prospects and influencers. Go to Search or Find Business and search for members based on industry / location / name / certification / activity, and after you find them, Follow them. When you follow members, they are notified about your business, and many would connect back with you. Learn more about their businesses. Find out what their needs are. Spend some time on their website. Once you follow them, you can keep up with what they are sharing. 

5. Engage with Customers.
Promote members who connect with you by sharing their profile, mentioning them, asking questions, sending direct message, and responding to their conversations. The more you engage with members, the more they warm up to do business with you.

 When was the last time you liked, shared, commented or replied to a member's update? Everyone loves interaction. Next time you login, don't forget to "high five" a member's update.

Remember... social media is not about promoting yourself. It's about engaging with your connections, building trust, sharing good information, growing your online relationships, and then transforming your relationships into warm leads. It's not a one shot approach.

Have you joined oGoing yet, nation's fastest growing small business social networking platform for promoting your business, getting more exposure, building online visibility, increasing website traffic, improving SEO ranking, making new connections and generating warm leads? Join oGoing and connect up with thousands of owners, entrepreneurs and service providers.

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