Solar Panels for Business in Los Angeles and Orange County
Solar Panels Make Business Sense Ten Trends For Solar Energy At Your Business In Los Angeles and Orange County 1. Utility prices are increasing rapidly each year. There's never a decrease. Utilities are subject to inflation, and are dependent on fossil fuels for energy generation. There is no guarantee how much the Utility companies will raise their rates. 2. Solar panels and solar equipment prices have fallen deeply, which is great for business and organizations. 3. Solar energy is completely renewable and clean, and we are blessed with abundant sunlight in Southern California (over 300 days of sunshine; besides, solar panels even generate power on cloudy days). 4. California Solar Initiative offers rebate programs to businesses and organizations. In addition, you could also receive 30% Income Tax Credit from the Federal and State Government. 5. Additional incentives for commercial installations include accelerated MACRs depreciation. Depending on your company’s tax bracket, you ...