Happy 239th Independence Day USA
On behalf of the oGoing team, I wish Americans everywhere in USA and the world Happy 239th Independence Day! We have a lot to be thankful for the freedom and liberties that we enjoy in USA. We cannot take our freedoms and independence for granted. There are many terrorist organizations in the world who are bent on destroying the very fabric of humanity and peace. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram are some of the worst offenders and perpetrators. They are bent on spreading terrorism and destroying human lives. To them, killing innocent people including women and children is part of their mission. We should take a moment and thank the brave men and women of our police forces, military and defense organizations such as FBI, National Security Agency and CIA who keep these terrorists away from USA soil and keep us safe! They work 24/7/365 to ensure that our freedoms are always secured and protected. Have a safe, fun and relaxing July 4th Holiday. Enjoy the fireworks and Join...