Are you doing great marketing? Small Business Tips
" The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself ." Peter Drucker Small Businesses live on, survive and thrive when they do great marketing. Unfortunately, they also die when they don't. Marketing then is a great divider between the successful small business entrepreneurs and the unsuccessful ones. The ones who get it, invest into it, and do it strategically do well in the long term. Marketing requires an investment of your time, resources and money. For many small business owners, they think of marketing as a cost function - a drain on their bottom-line. Whereas, online and traditional marketing does cost money, think of the long-term benefits, and not the short-term ROI. Wouldn't you want a strong brand for your small business? Wouldn't you want a website that is attractive and generates interest from quality prospects and customers? Wouldn't you want your social media channels to engage w...