
Showing posts from October, 2013

Free Download Apple's Innovation Strategy - Learn How Apple Innovates

Apple's Innovation Strategy - Learn How Apple Innovates Business Innovation eBook and Report Deployed by 1,000+ innovators worldwide! How did Apple, the #1 innovative company in the world, innovate and create game-changing innovations such as the iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad and more? What is Apple's secret recipe for innovation success? What is Apple's Innovation Strategy and Innovation Process? Download these Apple Innovation insights, case study and report, and innovate like Apple... and think like Steve Jobs, the top innovator and CEO of Apple (until 2011). "There's an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. 'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.' And we've always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning. And we always will." — Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, Co-Founder and Chairman (1955-2011) Apple innovates through: •  Creativity and Innovation •  Innovation Process •  Innovation in Products •  Innovation i...

Chase $250K Small Business Grant - oGoing Needs Your Support

Chase is giving $3 million to help 12 small businesses make it BIG  oGoing wants to make it BIG and promote our small business community. We are passionate about business owners and entrepreneurs achieving their full potential and becoming successful!   We need your vote of confidence and support to help us grow further.  Please vote for oGoing today and help us qualify. We need 250 votes to qualify.   Your vote counts and we would appreciate it immensely!  Please go here to vote Today